Enrolling at Forest Hill State School
Step 1 - Enrolment Enquiry
Contact us to enquire about enrolling at our school and to arrange an enrolment pack to be collected or posted to you.
Step 2 - Read Materials Provided
To find out more about our school, please read the following documents. You can find these documents on the support and resources page.
Parent Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct
- Homework Policy
Step 3 - Arranging an Interview
Families must complete enrolment paperwork prior to arranging an interview time.
Step 4 - The Interview
Please make sure you bring the following documents with you and your student to the interview.
The completed enrolment forms
Birth certificate for your child/ren
Previous school’s information and current report card
If the Principal is not satisfied that the documentation provided by an applicant demonstrates adequately that the address stated is the student’s principal place of residence, then the Principal may request further sources of proof of residence, such as an additional utility bill (e.g. water) showing the same address. The Principal may also request a properly sworn Statutory Declaration from the enrolling parent or legal guardian attesting that the student’s principal place of residence is the place nominated in the enrolment application.
If all documentation is adequate, at the interview, the Principal will:
discuss the school Student Code of Conduct
explain the Internet, Student Welfare Worker and Media Release Forms
check enrolment details and student needs (medical, personal, learning)
take the family on a quick tour of the school, classrooms, library and playgrounds.
The date of your child’s first day at Forest Hill State School will be discussed and timetabled by the Principal. This may be the next school day or when our school has been contacted by your child’s previous school or any other agencies involved in the care of the child.
It is expected that students will attend their first day at our school wearing the Forest Hill State School uniform. A time to meet with the Uniform Shop coordinator will be arranged at the interview.
On your child’s first day, please come to the school office with your child, and a staff member will escort you to his/her classroom.